The recent advances on the developments of Wireless and Internet technologies have generated increasing interest in the diffusion and processing of geo-referenced data. Wireless and Internet devices also offer new ways of accessing and analyzing geo-spatial information. Consequently, new challenges and opportunities have been provided to the GIS research community.
This Symposium is intended to provide an up-to-date review of advances in recent development of Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS). It is the 15th in a series of successful events beginning with Kyoto 2001, and mostly alternating locations between East Asia and Europe, with the most recent event held in Grenoble, France. We invite submissions that address both theoretical and technical issues of W2GIS. Reports on implementations are particularly welcome. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to as long as they address issues related to W2GIS and location-based services:
Geospatial databases and spatio-temporal data management
Mobile spatial interaction
Spatial search, GeoWeb search engines and services
Spatially embedded social networks and the Web
On-line spatial data mining
GeoSensor data acquisition, processing, management and analysis
Smart environments, Internet of Things and ambient spatial intelligence
Exploratory cartography and Web and wireless geo interfaces
Advanced GIS visualization techniques for Web and mobile applications
Cyber-geography & augmented reality
Map personalization and adaptation
3D modelling of cityscapes for location-based services
Location-based service applications in both real-world and virtual spaces
Ubiquitous and wireless GIS
Security, privacy, and usability issues of Web and wireless environments
Semantic geospatial Web and interoperability
Telematics and GIS applications
User studies and evaluations of online geo services
Indoor and outdoor wayfinding and navigation
Volunteered Geographic Information and crowdsourcing on the Web